Home Theater mit Figuren



Masks - making and play

Masks were always part of cult and ritual ceremonies. Where does this fascination come from?
We will make a mask - mold it in clay, use paper mâché for cover and paint it.
Each step needs time to dry.
During those times we will explore mask play with paper masks. How does it work? How does the mask change the expression of the body - or does the body change the expression of the mask?

Age 15 and up
Group size 6-10
Duration of the course 3-5 times á 2h
Price on application

Variety of puppet theatre
Variety of puppet theatre

Making and manipulation of puppets for educators/therapists
- and anyone passionate about puppet play!

To use puppet play, in action in every children's room with Barbie or action man, to develop creative processes, many grown-ups need to re-discover the joy of playing.

In contemporary puppet theatre we perform not only with humanlike figures (puppets) but also animate objects and materials.
In this workshop we will explore the variety and peculiarity of this art. The effects and fascination of the puppetry art will playfully be experiences and reflected.
Each session will explore another form - finger puppets, glove puppets, sock puppets, muppets, rod puppets, objects etc. - through making, manipulation and animation.
Special wishes of the group can be incorporated.

10 times
Minimum Group size: 6
Dates and price on application

Puppet theatre in education

Puppet theatre in education

I offer for each production the possibility to prepare before and reflect after a show the theatre experience with a playful puppet workshop, in which puppets are build, used and the topic of the show is introduced and later reflected.
Information under download/puppet theatre education workshop.

I conduct workshops like this regularly since 2009 in primary schools in Luebeck for the repertory of the Figurentheater Lübeck (financed by the Michael Haukohl Foundation).


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